API Docs for: 0.1.0.ee3e9e64

SolrCommitType Class

Module: solr

An enumeration of types of commit commands (hard or soft)

See NearRealtimeSearch on the Solr wiki.

Item Index




String final

A standard "hard" commit that causes all pending changes to be flushed to disk and for searcher to be reloaded.

This commit type provides the highest level of durability by flushing changes to disk but causes a large amount of I/O on the server.


String final

Tells EmberSolr not to send any commit command to Solr. Updates will be visible by Near Real Time handlers but won't become visible to standard query handlers until an autoCommit, autoSoftCommit or another request commits.


String final

A "soft" commit that causes searchers to reload with pending changes so they become visible outside of the Real-Time Get handler.

This commit type provides less durability in the event of a Solr server crash but still allows Solr searches to stay up to date.