Node + Owin: Living in the Future

Scott Hanselman recently blogged “It’s just a software issue”- Edge.js brings Node and .NET together on three platforms and to say the least I am intrigued.

I’ve been using Grunt (and therefore Node) to develop Klondike for about 6 months and it never occurred to me that hosting managed .net code from Node was an option.

After reading Scott’s post, my immediate question was if I could host an OWIN application from Node. Some quick googling revealed connect-owin is well on its way.

It took a little elbow grease to get from the toy app samples to being able to initialize Klondike and serve requests.

Proof of Concept

On my Windows VM, I ran:

npm install connect-owin express

Then created this barebones Node program:

var owin = require('connect-owin'),
    express = require('express');

var app = express();
app.all('/api/*', owin('bin/debug/NuGet.Lucene.Web.OwinHost.Sample.exe'));


AppDomains and Configuration

Klondike uses appSettings to configure where files are kept and which options are enabled. It also has a fair amount of binding redirects that make sure all the various assemblies pulled in from NuGet packages agree to use the same version of DLL dependencies.

I realized quickly that when my assembly is loaded from Node, my config file was being ignored.

I asked a question on the Edge Github project to confirm, but inspecting source code it appears to be the case that when Edge loads a managed assembly, it isn’t creating a full AppDomain and specifying a config file to go with it.

To “trick” my configuration into being loaded, I copied node.exe from it’s home in Program Files to my bin/Debug directory, and then copied my config file to node.exe.config in the same local directory.

Sure enough, running .\bin\Debug\node.exe server.js happily pulled in my config settings and binding redirects.

It would be nice if Issue 131 gets first-class support, but in the mean time at least I know there’s a way to load complex applications into Edge.

Whither Mono?

Edge (and therefore connect-owin) have first-class support for the Mono Framework, although unfortunately I was unable to get beyond an issue with Ninject. As it turns out, Ninject has a separate build configuration to support Mono and the packages on won’t work when you try to use them with Mono.

This is pretty unfortunate and I’ll be looking for a new IoC container to replace Ninject with. One that has built in integration with WebApi and SignalR would be nice.

The Future

The Future is now. Being able to use Bower, Grunt and Node with integrated .NET request processing means teams can use the same great front-end tools that are sweeping the community by storm while still building rich server-side components powered by .NET.

I’m a huge fan of c# and .NET, but love that this enables front-end developers who aren’t to be able to contribute to these projects without forcing them to stop using Grunt, Bower and whatever other favorite tools they bring from their toolboxes.

Are Edge and connect-owin production ready? I don’t know, but I also don’t really care. To me, these are ideal tools for development and testing, but once grunt build gives me an app tree in ./dist I’d rather just push my app to the cloud and let someone else worry about hosting.


My efforts to convert Klondike to support OWIN self hosting are a work-in-progress, but you can see the source code on the webapi-oata branch of NuGet.Lucene on Github.
