MSBuild, Visual Studio & NuGet Hackery

My team at work recently switched to using NuGet. We have a fair amount of shared code that used to be in a monolithic code base with all the problems that came with it. Slow builds, no concept of versions, tight coupling, etc. To address these issues we started migrating to a new layout where we split Framework Projects out into seperate repositories and publish NuGet packages for those projects. Then our Application Projects use NuGet to depend on the Framework Projects and we get better control of when dependencies are upgraded, faster builds and everyone is happy.

One drawback to this migration is that we no longer have all projects in one Visual Studio solution, making it hard to work on writing a new feature or fixing a bug in a Framework Project and testing that change in an Application Project. Where we used to be able to do this seemlessly, we now have to jump through some hoops:

  1. Change Framework Project
  2. Build Framework Project
  3. Manually copy the dll to the Application Project
  4. Change Application Project to use new code (if necessary)
  5. Build Application Project

Once the code changes are deemed acceptable, additional work is necessary to commit/push changes to other developers:

  1. Commit/Push Framework Project
  2. Wait for build server to publish a NuGet package
  3. Use NuGet to update Framwork project dependency in Application Project
  4. Commit/Push Application Project

This multistep process obviously slows down development significantly. My mission is to find a way to cut out some of these manual steps so our developers can get back to writing and refactoring code instead of wrestling with tools.


A colleague of mine, Aaron Togerson, started a project a while back called SlimJim. SlimJim is a Visual Studio Solution Generator. I’ve always liked the phrase “Solution Generator” despite the fact that Visual Studio solution files have little to do with solving actual problems.

Anyway, SlimJim is a command-line tool that analyzes c# projects and generates a .sln file that includes a target project (such as a Framework Project) and all projects that depend on it. This tool enables us to quickly generate Solutions that allow us to have Framework Projects and Application projects open in a single instance of Visual Studio. Since SlimJim generates these files pretty quickly, we never check them into source control.

Using SlimJim in conjunction with ReSharper we gain the ability to navigate through the code and apply refactoring tools to rename types and methods, change method signatures, introduce parameters, and all the other fun stuff.

The Pitfall

It’s great that ReSharper knows how to do this, but the problem is when you hit F6 or click Build Solution, and you get a bunch of compilation errors. What’s going on? First, NuGet injects assembly references into the Application Project instead of injecting project references. Visual Studio uses project references to determine the build order. So because there is no project reference from Application Project pointing to Framework Project, the order in which the projects are built will be undefined. The second problem is that even if the build order could be corrected, there is nothing in place that copies the build output from Framework Project over to where Application Project will find it.

We could solve both problems by converting the c# project files for Application Projects to replace <Reference/> items with <ProjectReference/> items. This is how Visual Studio decides what order projects are built in and how outputs from one project get copied to another.

The problem is that we don’t want to accidentally commit changes like this. We only want them to apply to local development. Accidentally checking such changes in will certainly break the build and take us back to the bad old days of slow builds.

Attempt 1

To avoid changing c# project files, the first approach I took was to try to do some MSBuild magic and hope Visual Studio would get in on the game. MSBuild provides some hooks that enable us to manipulate Item Groups dynamically. First, the InitialTargets attribute can be used to execute some targets before the requested targets are executed. Second, we can do some analysis of the solution file being built and the project references to try to remove <Reference/> items and add <ProjectReference/> items dynamically.

Note: this example uses tasks from the MSBuild Community Tasks project.

This implementation works great in MSBuild on the command line when invoked on a c# project. If you specify a SolutionPath and BuildingInsideVisualStudio, MSBuild will faithfully build the Framework Projects before building the Application Project.

However, it doesn’t work in Visual Studio. Evidently when Visual Studio loads a solution, it either doesn’t execute InitialTargets or it uses some other mechanism to extract <ProjectReference/> items from each project.

Attempt 2

If we can’t dynamically tell Visual Studio about project references, I thought maybe we could just build the projects in the right order ourselves. MSBuild already does this when building outside Visual Studio provided the BuildProjectReferences property is not false.

So I modified my MSBuild script to try to do that:

Once again, this works great in MSBuild outside of Visual Studio. When you load up the solution in VS and hit build, the Output pane says encouraging things like “MyApp is building C:\Projects\MyFramework\src\MyFramework\MyFramework.csproj”.

Except it doesn’t. I couldn’t figure out why, but somehow Visual Studio seems to know that we’re trying to trick it, and it refuses to actually build the project. It pretends to, but it doesn’t. I thought this might have to do with In-Process Compilers and other optimizations described in the Visual Studio MSBuild Integration article, but attempting to disable UseHostCompilerIfAvailable has no effect.

I gave up on this strategy becuase even if it helped to build projects in the right order, it doesn’t copy build outputs from one project to the other.

Attempt 3

Once again, Visual Studio proved to be too enterprisey for us to customize. The only proof of concept I was able to make work was the dumb one: converting c# projects and risking that the converted versions get checked in. We can solve the accidental commit issue with a pre-commit hook, so maybe it isn’t all bad as long as we can seemlessly convert back and forth.

Since we already have a tool that analyzes c# project references, it makes sense to extend SlimJim to mangle c# projects while analyzing them.

My fork of SlimJim now includes two new switches: --convert and --unconvert.

Suppose SlimJim finds two projects, MyApp and MyFramework, and MyApp.csproj looks like this:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
    <Reference Include="MyFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3c369c070579152a, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

Using --convert, SlimJim will change MyApp.csproj to look like this:

MyApp.csproj after SlimJim
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
    <ProjectReference Include="C:\projects\MyFramework\src\MyFramework\MyFramework.csproj">
        <Reference Include="MyFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3c369c070579152a, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

And using --uncovert will put it back. The original assembly reference is preserved in the markup, moved out of the way so MSBuild and Visual Studio will ignore it, but making it easy for us to restore it without losing metadata like HintPath and SpecificVersion.

As long as we remember to --unconvert before committing, this new feature should provide a great benefit.
